
Tuesday, 4 January 2011

early c20 /ɑː/ - part 4

This is the 2nd table illustrating the pronunciation of <-auNC>-words. The publication dates of the reference books are:
  1. Walker =1791
  2. Beniowski =1845
  3. Afzelius =1909
  4. Michaelis/Jones =1913 (= M-J)
  5. Palmer/Martin/Blandford =1926 (= PMB)
  6. Wyld =1932
    itemWalkerBeniowski Afzelius1 M-JPMBWyld
    auntɑːntɑːntɑːnt ɑːnt ɑːntɑːnt
    craunchkrɑːntʃkrɑːntʃkrɔːnʃ -- ----
    dauntdɑːntdɑːnt dɔːntdɔːnt --dɔːnt
    flauntflɑːntflɑːnt flɔːnt flɔːnt--flɔːnt
    gauntgɑːntgɑːnt gɔːnt, gɑːnt gɔːnt--gɔːnt
    gauntletˈgɑːntletgɑːntletˈgɔːntlɪt, ˈgɑːntlɪt ˈgɔːntlit--ˈgɔːntlɪt
    graunch---- -- ------
    haunchhɑːntʃhɑːnʃhɔːnʃ, hɑːnʃ hɔːntʃ--hɔːnʃ
    haunthɑːnthɑːnthɔːnt, hɑːnthɔːnthɔːnthɔːnt
    jaunce---- -- ------
    jaunder---- -- ------
    jaundiceˈʤɑːndɪsʤɑːndɪsˈʤɔːndɪs, ˈʤɑːndɪs ˈʤɔːndɪs [ˈʤɑːndɪs]--ˈʤɑːndɪs, ˈʤɔːndɪs
    jauntʤɑːntʤɑːnt ʤɔːnt, ʤɑːnt ʤɔːnt [ʤɑːnt]--ʤɔːnt, ʤɑːnt
    launce---- lɑːns lɑːns----
    launchlɑːntʃlɑːnʃlɔːnʃ, lɑːnʃlɔːntʃlɔːntʃ, lɑːntʃlɔːntʃ, lɑːntʃ
    laundlɔːndlɔːnd -- ------
    laundrylɑːndriːlɑːndriːˈlɔːndrɪ, ˈlɑːndrɪˈlɔːndriˈlɔːndrɪ, ˈlɑːndrɪˈlɑːndrɪ, ˈlɔːndrɪ
    maunch---- -- ------
    maundmɑːnd2mɑːnd mɔːnd ----mɔːnd
    maunge---- -- ------
    naunt---- -- ------
    paunchpɑːnʃpɑːnʃpɔːnʃ, pɑːnʃpɔːntʃ--pɔːntʃ
    raunce---- -- ----
    raunch---- -- ------
    staunch----?stɔːntʃ [stɑːntʃ]--stɔːn(t)ʃ, stɑːn(t)ʃ
    taunttɑːnttɑːnt, tɔːnt?tɔːnt--tɔːnt
    All symbols were converted by me to conform to the IPA set.
    1 I could  check
    only words beginning with the letters <a> to <pa>.
    2 Mentioned in principle 214 in the introduction only.


    1. Your int·resting table had a few modest surprises for me: Wyld's suggestions that by the 1930s jaundice and laundry were commoner with /ɑː/ and that launch and jaunt cd still be he·rd with it at all. Also that its use as a subvariant in launch, laundry (and laundress which was not one you chose to list) was considerd by Palmer and Blandford as current enuff in 1926 to be recorded for EFL users.
      Wyld was born in 1870 and Palmer in 1877.

    2. Ross has "lahnch" not only as "old-fashioned U" but also as "Navy", interestingly.

    3. If some blog followers are unfamiliar with the name Ross: @Lipman refers to Alan Strode Campbell Ross and his book How to pronounce it of 1970.

    4. Yes, sorry indeed and thanks. I realised later that I very probably had just written "Ross" without even the year, but I wasn't near a computer and then forgot again. (In my opinion, what he writes has to be taken with more than a grain of salt sometimes, in spite of the fact that he was a linguist, or a philologist, by profession. But this kind of observation is probably reliable.)

    5. In 2007 Clive Upton wrote a critique of A.S.C. Ross's "Linguistic class- indicators in present-day English", which was published in Neuphilologische Mitteilungen (pp. 109ff.) and is a worthwhile read.
      The gist of Upton's evaluation is:
      "The word ‘fun’ is the overriding word as regards a sane response to the paper and, one dearly hopes, as regards the spirit in which Ross wrote it."
