
Wednesday, 13 February 2013

a minimal chain reaction

credit: FracturedPixel
A minimal pair can 'propagate' and the result of such a recursive process is a minimal set.
Here are a few sample sets:

S1: bat - cat - chat - fat - gat - hat - lat - mat - Nat - pat - rat - sat - shat - tat - that -  vat
S2: tick - tiff - tig - till -  Tim - tin - ting - tip - 'tis - tit - tizz
S3: pat - pet - pit - pot - out - putt - part - peat - port (hyporhotic accents)
S4: litres - leachers - leaguers - lemurs - levers - leaders
S5: dissection - dissension - deception


  1. And I've always believed they were commutation series. You live and learn.

  2. They are also called commutation series.
