
Friday, 19 July 2013

an English Kapellmeister

On the 18th of July Katie Derham presented a BBC Proms concert of Mahler's Fifth conducted by Jonathan Nott. In her introduction she talked about the musical career of Maestro Nott, who is musical director of the Bamberg Symphony Orchestra. Nott built his career in Germany by joining "the traditional German career ladder known as the Kapellmeister system." All the 'Big Three' pronunciation dictionaries correctly place the stress on the second syllable, but Ms Derham deigned to place it on the first.

credit: BBC IV


  1. OKAY she slipt up there on that venial item but her record with me places her in the top category of tv and radio presenters and newscasters and I've been scrutinising them for a hellava time

  2. Agreed - it doesn't cry out for capital punishment and maybe she was reading the text from a teleprompter without having had a chance to go over the text before the transmission. So - ego te absolvo de peccato tuo.
