
Tuesday, 29 July 2014

spot the mistake! published this picture on the 29th of May, 2014:

Apart from the single quotation marks is there anything else you'd change in the transcriptions?


  1. I commented on this mistake (amongst others on the site) on 4th July. The mistakes have now been corrected, but no acknowledgement of my comment has been posted.

  2. Sorry for not having spotted your comments, John!

  3. I browsed around their site and finally stumbled on a sample sound file with two voices. Both were speakers of home counties regional Southern British English (100% on selected discriminating criteria like MOUTH, GOAT, FACE, TAUGHT, LOT). They might have had RP (GB) speakers elsewhere, but they're obviously offering home counties regional Southern British English at least part of the time. A few years ago, John Wells debated on his blog whether it was time to give up RP (GB) as a standard for teaching, and decided it wasn't. It seems it's already happening.

  4. Sidney, d'you remember which audio file it is you're writing about?

  5. No apology necessary, Petr. Until very recently all the comments I posted on the site were marked as "awaiting moderation", so it's quite probable that when you looked they were not actually visible. I must say that the site should be treated with the greatest caution. Those in charge of it seem to have a very cavalier attitude to accuracy, and also seem incapable of posting a simple "thank you" in reply to helpful comments. I'm voting with my :P
