The universe seen through a CV telescope |
The schwa is an interesting vowel resting in the centre of the vowel universe. It's also a lightweight vowel - hardly ever (!) stressed. Why the exclamation mark? Look at this entry in LPD3:
A more detailed description of words containing stressed schwa can be found in this
blog post by Jack Windsor Lewis.
The schwa is often called a neutral vowel because with this vowel "the vocal tract is in its neutral configuration" (Laver 1994:280
1). Neutrality also indicates that the schwa levels out vowel differences or, to put it differently, the schwa does not serve to distinguish word meanings in the same way as other vowels do. Look at this minimal set:
gist - jest - joist - joust - deuced - just
/dʒɪst/ - /dʒest/ - /dʒɔɪst/ - /dʒaʊst/ - /dʒuːst/ - /dʒʌst/
When I replace one of the vowels with any of the others I get a different word with a different meaning. Not so when I replace /ʌ/ with /ə/ in
credit: Nicolas Munoz |
Or take this sentence:
/ðə kwək brən fəks dʒəmps əvə ðə ləzə dəɡ/
It isn't too difficult to understand, is it?
Some of you may be familiar with the song German children sometimes sing:
Drü Chünüsün müt düm Küntrübüss
dü süssün üf dü Strüßü ünd ürzühltün süch wüs,
(Three Chinese with a double bass
sat in the street and talked to each other,
Then they substitute <ü> for any other German vowel until they get tired of the game.
In English polysyllabic words many (but not all) unstressed syllables contain schwa vowels:
- /prɪn(t)səp(ə)l/ (but also /prɪn(t)sɪp(ə)l/)
- /ɪnhɒspɪtəb(ə)l/
- /fəntæstɪk/ (but also /fæntæstɪk/)
With morphologically related words one has to learn which syllables contain the schwa vowel, e.g.
anatomy - anatomical
audiology - audiological
biology - biological
botany - botanical
diachrony - diachronic
etymology - etymological
phrenology - phrenological
With a few words there's even an alternative pronunciation with a schwa shift. Probably the most well-known word is /kən'trɒvəsi/ or /'kɒntrəvɜːsi/ or even /'kɒntrəvəsi/. Others are
inventory and
harass. Can you find more words with at least
two accepted alternative pronunciations illustrating schwa shift?
follower: |
Ed | Kerala | /ˈkerələ/
| /kəˈrɑːlə/
Line 3 Col 1 | Line 3 Col 2 | Line 3 Col 3 | Line 3 Col 4 |
1Laver, J. (1994),
Principles of phonetics, CUP