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credit: www.photransedit.com |
aboard | əˈbɔːd |
abode | əˈbəʊd |
abolish | əˈbɒlɪʃ |
abolition | ˌæbəˈlɪʃən |
abomasum | no transcription offered |
A-bomb | ˈeɪbɒm |
abominable | əˈbɒmɪnəbəl |
abominate | əˈbɒmɪneɪt |
abomination | əˌbɒmɪˈneɪʃən |
aboriginal | ˌæbəˈrɪdʒənəl |
aboriginality | ˌæbəˌrɪdʒəˈnæləti |
aborigine | ˌæbəˈrɪdʒəni |
aborning | no transcription offered |
abort | əˈbɔːt |
abortifacient | əˌbɔːtəˈfeɪʃənt |
abortion | əˈbɔːʃən |
abortionist | əˈbɔːʃənɪst |
The words were taken from LPD3. Conclusion: Not bad, but PhoTransEdit is not - and is not intended to be - a substitute for a solid pronunciation dictionary.
Verdict endorsed. The two they didnt offer were cert'nly nothing to worry about. To my rather fussy taste I'd've preferred that they'd left out what LPD calls 'optional' sounds.